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Would you like a tour of the Church of the Incarnation?  

¿Te gustaría un recorrido por la Iglesia de la Encarnación?

A Journey through
the fire recovery.


Un viaje a través
el proceso de fuego.


Take a few minutes to journey through the 7 month recovery process from the altar fire on March 9th, 2022. This quick compilation highlights the amazing work of so many contractors and artisans who restored this historic monument-- and the revitalization they brought in the process.  To see more photos and what each company contributed, further information is below!

Tómese unos minutos para recorrer el proceso de recuperación de 7 meses del fuego del altar el 9 de marzo de 2022. Esta breve compilación destaca el increíble trabajo de tantos contratistas y artesanos que restauraron este monumento histórico, y la revitalización que aportaron en el proceso. . Para ver más fotos y lo que contribuyó cada empresa, ¡más información a continuación!


Giertsen Restoration Specialists were the onsite project managers overseeing the entire recovery of the Church of the Incarnation.  Click here or on the logo above to see in-process photos of their crews scouring every surface of the church,  revitalizing the space and making it look better than it has in generations!  Their expertise and professionalism allowed us to reopen our doors months sooner than anticipated.  If you are ever unfortunate enough to have a disaster in your home or church, we could not recommend the services of the Giertsen enough!

Henning had all the answers on what was needed in the restoration from the fire.  From moving and repairing marble to recreating lost fresco, their generational-expertise shined through and allowed Incarnation to shine with it.

Smoke damage is especially damaging to bronze and electrical outlets.  Our old overhead lights were cleaned and rewired with new functions added.

Our pews sustained significant damage in the fire.  See the installation process and how Davis Furniture was able to keep and restore these original portions of the pews.

Gaytee-Palmer not only replaced our destroyed stained glass windows, they also removed and replaced our aged storm windows all throughout the church. 

Although much of the work Prism did goes unseen (cleaning and evaluating electrical equipment), they also restored the paintings damaged by smoke in the fire.

The fire turned the brick in the side altar into ash.  Building Restoration put in new brick, stained them to match our old and repaired several large cracks that had formed above our stained glass windows.

If you would like to contribute to the restoration fund, our donation page can be found here.

Si desea contribuir al fondo de restauración, puede encontrar nuestra página de donaciones aquí.


Church of the Incarnation

In the HEART of south Minneapolis
since 1909.

3801 Pleasant Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55409

English: (612) 822-2101

Español: (612) 874-7169

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